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better results faster
intelligent collaboration space for the future of work

Go from an idea to a bold decision — in minutes.

Create, iterate and experiment—fast.

With the help of the SPACE, you can speed up decision-making processes. It's worth to test it.

Intelligent whiteboard

On whiteboards, first sketches, then chaos emerge. Often, they are then thrown away.

Too bad about all the good ideas. We will offer an alternative.

Rapid insight generation

Rapid insight generation for quick validation.

SPACE enables you to go from an idea to a decision in under an hour.

Amazing output

Imagine you don't need to care about the effort to write minutes or to create a decision memo.

It's just a click away.

Bleiben Sie dran: Wir werden Sie benachrichtigen, sobald ivSPACE verfügbar ist.

Melden Sie sich jetzt an und gehören Sie zu den Ersten, die benachrichtigt werden,
um sich einen Wettbewerbsvorteil zu verschaffen.

Starten Sie bald mit dem ivSPACE.