Why is privacy important in the future of work?

The future of work has arrived, sparking privacy concerns in remote and hybrid work setups. Operating in digital landscapes, companies face heightened risks of exposing sensitive business and employee data.


The discussion about the protection of privacy in distributed work environments (home office and hybrid forms of work) is in full swing. From the camera in the home office to surveillance concerns on the part of employees, the focus is often on the home office in particular as a private area in the perception of employees. When working in a digital environment, there is an increased risk of sensitive information about the company and its employees leaking out.

To begin with, we want to take a look at why data protection is not only important for the future of work, but "mission critical.

Protection of Personal Data

Within an increasingly digital realm, employees generate substantial volumes of personal data during their work-related activities. This trove of information often encompasses sensitive details, including financial records, health data, and even personal communications. The role of privacy is to safeguard individuals' rights by protecting this data from unauthorized access, use, and disclosure, thereby preventing potential harm.

Trust and Confidence

The currency of trust and confidence flows robustly through the veins of any functional employer-employee relationship. When individuals have the assurance that their personal data is treated with great care and harnessed solely for legitimate pursuits, their engagement in their work assumes a more candid and spirited demeanor. This foundation of trust forms the bedrock for harmonious collaborations. The delicate art of respecting privacy yields a sense of serenity and openness, fostering an environment steeped in security.

Ethical Considerations

Privacy is not merely a concept but a quintessential human right. As the future of work ventures forward, honoring privacy finds resonance with ethical ideals. Reverence for the privacy rights of individuals serves as a testimony to the principles of fairness, autonomy, and dignity. As organizations embrace new technologies and data-driven approaches, ethical considerations become increasingly important to ensure that employees are not subjected to intrusive surveillance or unwarranted intrusions into their personal lives.

Employee Well-being and Productivity

Privacy protections contribute to employee well-being and productivity in general. When individuals feel that their privacy is safe-guarded, they experience less stress and anxiety related to potential intrusive monitoring or surveillance. This most often leads to increased job satisfaction, creativity, and innovation. Respecting privacy also promotes a healthier work-life balance, allowing employees to maintain personal boundaries and recharge outside of working hours.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Privacy is a legal and regulatory requirement in many countries. Organizations that fail to prioritize privacy in the future of work may face legal consequences, including fines, lawsuits, and damage to their reputation. Compliance with privacy laws and regulations is essential for organizations to maintain their social license to operate and protect themselves from legal and financial risks.

To conclude, privacy is important in the future of work because it protects personal data, establishes trust and confidence, adheres to ethical principles, enhances employee well-being and productivity, and ensures legal and regulatory compliance. By prioritizing privacy in hybrid and remote work, organizations can create a work environment that respects individuals' rights and promotes a culture of trust, collaboration, and innovation.

With all these reasons in mind, it is clear that we cannot approach data privacy in hybrid work settings lightly, as it holds an important role in ensuring a prosperous and safe work environment.

Popular video conferencing apps like Zoom, Cisco Webex, and Microsoft Teams have faced privacy problems in the past, including encryption gaps, unauthorized access to meetings, and malware risks.

In each case, companies faced criticism, prompting them to alter privacy features and comply with regulations. Users and organizations should prioritize apps committed to transparency, robust security, and prompt issue resolution to safeguard privacy and trust.

The importance of GDPR compliance in the Future of Work

Complying with relevant data protection and privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union, is generally considered good for virtual workspaces and videoconferencing apps for the following reasons:

Stronger Data Protection: The GDPR establishes robust requirements and standards for data protection, security, and compliance. By adhering to the GDPR, virtual workspaces prioritize the protection of user data. This can help ensure that personal information is processed securely and with appropriate consent.

User Rights and Control: The GDPR grants individuals certain rights over their personal data, such as the right to access, rectify, and delete their information. Virtual workspaces that comply with the GDPR are more likely to provide users with the necessary tools and mechanisms to exercise these rights, allowing individuals to have better control over their data.

Transparency and Accountability: The GDPR promotes transparency by requiring organizations to provide clear and concise information about data processing practices, including the purpose and legal basis for processing personal data. Complying with GDPR obligations fosters a culture of accountability, ensuring that virtual workspace providers are responsible for how they handle user data.

International Trust and Reputation: The GDPR is considered one of the most comprehensive and influential data protection regulations globally. By complying with GDPR standards, virtual workspace providers demonstrate a commitment to protecting user privacy and meet high data protection requirements. This can help build trust among users, especially those who value strong data protection regulations.

Avoidance of Penalties and Legal Consequences: Non-compliance with the GDPR can lead to significant penalties, including fines of up to 4% of global annual revenue or €20 million (whichever is higher). By adhering to the GDPR, virtual workspaces can avoid legal consequences, reputational damage, and financial liabilities associated with non-compliance.

ivicos commitment to data-privacy

Your privacy matters to us. We understand that we cannot have an efficient and enduring future of work without having a secure virtual office platform for hybrid and remote work.

And this is why we created ivCAMPUS to fully comply with GDPR regulation. Here’s how we comply:

  • Our software is hosted in Germany.
  • None of your conversations on ivCAMPUS are stored.
  • In accordance with the GDPR, we store as little personal data as possible. We only analyze anonymous metadata to improve our service and retrieve bugs.
  • We don't store attendance times, and video and audio are secure and private in any space.
  • Our website uses only GDPR-compliant analytic solutions for marketing, such as Fathom and Mouseflow, which use anonymous metadata to identify the sources of traffic and the efficiency of marketing campaigns.

For more information, please see our privacy policy.

Adapting old solutions to new problems is not always possible. The remote and hybrid work model needs a modern solution that overcomes the pitfalls of traditional videoconferencing platforms. That’s why we built ivCAMPUS as an out-of-the-box solution for virtual collaborations.

We understand the need to collaborate and socialise in a virtual office in the same way we did in the physical office. Social spontaneity and being part of a community should go hand in hand.

ivCAMPUS is an alternative for videoconferencing software (Zoom, Webex, or Microsoft Teams) because it’s a platform that combines the benefits of the physical office and the virtual one. But it is also a GDPR-compliant alternative to virtual workspace providers like Kumospace, which do not adhere to European data protection standards. Using our software for hybrid work allows you to create an immersive and easy-to-use environment for your employees, no matter where they are from. There’s also no special software that needs to be installed for it, they only need to open their browser.